Wednesday 19 October 2016


We travelled by bus from Douala to Yaounde. I was struck by the lush vegetation, thick forests all very green and dense with the odd Wooden dwelling scattered along the way - remote.
In Yaounde we met a young man by the name of Elvis, one of the Yali members and now on the regional advisory board of West Africa. We visited his clinic in the student quarters where he tends women and children, from delivering babies to administering medication for all the African maladies like malaria, cholera and hepatitis to name a few. He has designed and is in the process of building a beautiful micro-clinic - all funding and sponsors welcomed. I have the whole proposal for anyone interested.
We visited a Paediatric Hospital with our hostess, Dr. Lilian Ngwana Banmi, who is a gynaecologist and obstetrician at this hospital. A Cameroon woman who had trained in Russia. We were shown all aspects of this enormous hospital caring for women and children. A fully functioning hospital......and including a Chinese medicine, acupuncture and physiotherapy department.We had opportunity to meet and have conversation with different heads of department and then a delightful meeting with the General Director of the Hospital.
Then on we went to a Childrens Hospital and visited the oncology department, where we met a remarkable woman, a Paediatric Oncologist,  Dr. Angele Pondy.
Our host, Mr. Banmi, a member of Parliament was able to give us an update political picture of not only Cameroon, but of all Africa. He and his wife Lilian mentioned above run a broad-casting programme which they broadcast on in their spare time.
So here in Cameroon we met people seriously intent and DOING so much that it is quite overwhelming and yet sparing the time to meet and share.
Much gratitude to you, the people of Cameroon.

Lush Vegetation

                                          Elvis and UNITE FOR HEALTH FOUNDATION

                                       Yaounde Gynaeco-Obstetrics and Paediatric Hospital

                                                       Meeting the Director- General


          Dr. Lilian Ngwana Banmi and her husband Mr. Banmi with Yaounde in background

                                                                  Dr. ANGELE PONDY

                                Responsable Unite Drepanocytose du Centre Mere et Enfant

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