Wednesday 29 June 2016

My journey has begun far further north than expected as in Sweden as I mentioned I met Cosmos of Ghana. His greatest wish was to have his staff educated in Curative education.
Then in Dornoch I met Kofi. He left Ghana, a teacher who went in search of ways to help the handicapped/learning disabled children in his class. He had heard of the Camphill communities and went to America 30 years earlier. He has studied Curative Education and Waldorf Education and has worked in these fields in America.
Next I heard of Bambo Camara, an enthusiastic young man who wishes to begin a home for handicapped in Gambia. He came to Switzerland to learn but did not get into the Curative course.
Maybe this is where my networking has begun as Kofi would love to train the staff in Ghana and possibly Bambo could train there too.
If this is a sign, I feel I am on the right path.