Tuesday 6 December 2016


This time on a bad road but in a BUS - no 4 wheel-drive - swaying from side to side. But all in all a much more relaxing journey than the last - not nearly as exciting but again the beautiful rural life.  Conakry was a shock - such poverty faced one .  Travelling into the city I was appalled at how people live.  And traffic -  every day STUCK in traffic. The other sad part was the ocean - smelly dirty with the waters edge piled with garbage. 85% Islam and Christians, women and girls treated real bad. This country had been hard hit by Ebola. Wherever we went we experienced chaos.
I met wonderful people striving for the good and change. A group of teachers in Bethel Church inspired by descriptions of Waldorf Education. They LIT UP as I gave them pictures of life and curriculum in a Waldorf School -" I have never heard of such a truly amazing method of Education " were the words of a man who teaches teachers at a University in Conakry.  And likewise, one could sense the group beaming and the 4-6p.m. sharing continued until 7.30 and would have continued....
Many questions and much enthusiasm.  The only regret was that those present hoped we could have a bigger conference so others could hear but our time is limited. One big obstacle here - finance!! Will anyone manage to raise their airfare.
Meeting a mature Paediatrician was most refreshing.  He feels so strongly that young doctors need to hear of other ways of healing and has offered to spread the word of IPMT AFRICA . He was most enthusiastic about Anthroposophic Medicine as a way into the future in healing. He will encourage young doctors to participate and assures that Guinea will be represented.
Not met anyone in Agriculture in Guinea.

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